Sleeping accommodations are dormitory bunk-bed style. Men’s and women’s cabins are separate. There are no coeducational sleeping quarters. There are a total of 12 cabins for men and ten cabins for women. Bring your own towels, personal hygiene articles, blanket, sleeping bag, pillow, swimsuit, sports items, books, rain gear, and TEDDY BEARS. Consider the changeable Texas weather and be sure bedding and clothing are appropriate for the variable weekend weather. PLEASE BRING A FLASHLIGHT. The camp covers a large area. In case of emergency, Camp Olympia’s phone number is 936-594-2541.
Maximum bed capacity at Camp Olympia is 464. Cabin assignment will be made on a first come, first served basis. The cabins for both men and women are fairly close to the meeting area.
You may drive to the cabins to unload or load your belongings. PARKING IS ALLOWED ONLY ALONG THE ENTRANCE ROAD BY THE CHOW HALL.
Women should not loiter around the Men’s Cabin areas and Men should not loiter around the Women’s Cabin areas.
Women’s Cabins– Clusters E-H: 5-Helena, 6-Cupid, 7-Diana, 8-Pandora, 9-Venus, 10-Athena, 11-Gemini I , 12-Gemini II. Artemis-women’s handicapped cabin.
Men’s Cabins - Clusters A-D: 1-Taurus, 2-Mars, 3-Orion, 4-Atlas, 5-Apollo, 6-Mercury, 7-Vulcan, 8-Perseus, 9-Neptune, 10-Zeus, 11-Cronus, 12-Poseidon (Quiet Cabin)